Saturday, November 10, 2007

We Own the Night (2007)

Overall rating from 1 to 100: 73

O Masterpiece (100)
O Excellent (75-99)
X Rental (60-74)
O OK (50-59)
O Mediocrity (30-49)
O Avoid (1-29)

Mini Review by Jason Pyles / November 10, 2007

The time is 1988. The place is Brooklyn, N.Y. Robert Duvall plays an NYPD police chief and the father of two sons, Bobby (Joaquin Phoenix) and Joseph (Mark Wahlberg).

Joseph is the good son and an exceptional, decorated police officer; while Bobby is the black sheep who manages a popular nightclub where he associates with shady people of the underworld, natural enemies of his brother and father.

The movie’s primary conflict revolves around Bobby’s having to choose between his friends and his family (a choice that’s tougher than it sounds), and then trying to live with that choice.

“We Own the Night” is unmistakably contrived, but at the same time it takes some unconventional turns that pleasantly surprise us and defy our expectations of the genre. It’s not a perfect movie, but it’s definitely worth checking out.

Directed by James Gray
Joaquin Phoenix / Mark Wahlberg / Robert Duvall
117 min. Action / Crime
MPPA: R (for strong violence, drug material, language, some sexual content and brief nudity)

Copyright 2007. 200

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