Saturday, November 10, 2007

Michael Clayton (2007)

Overall rating from 1 to 100: 86

O Masterpiece (100)
X Excellent (75-99)
O Rental (60-74)
O OK (50-59)
O Mediocrity (30-49)
O Avoid (1-29)

Mini Review by Jason Pyles / November 10, 2007

A good story can go a long way. Exhibit A: “Michael Clayton.” Often, filmmakers mistakenly assume that special effects can compensate for a poor story. Heresy. Exhibit B: “D-War.”

“Michael Clayton” has few noticeable special effects and is still exceptional entertainment thanks to its story’s quality.

If it’s not evident by the aforementioned exhibits, “Michael Clayton” is a thriller involving high-powered attorneys, corporate litigation and an exhibitionist.

Thankfully, this movie spares us the overused courtroom-drama sequences for more exciting, behind-the-scenes finagling, giving it inherent intrigue, despite its unconvincing, unappealing trailer. Exhibit C: “Do I look like I’m negotiating?”

Notably, notwithstanding Exhibit C, the film is worth seeing for George Clooney’s title-role performance. Watch him closely during scenes with his character’s son; or, when he holds his composure during a very long close-up of his face.

So, what is the overall verdict on whether to watch this movie? See Exhibit A.

Directed by Tony Gilroy
George Clooney / Tom Wilkinson / Tilda Swinton
119 min. Drama / Crime
MPPA: R (for language including some sexual dialogue)

Copyright 2007. 199

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