Thursday, January 8, 2009

Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden? (2008)

O Masterpiece
O Excellent
O Good
O Mediocrity
O Avoid

Review by Jason Pyles / January 8, 2009

In 2004, documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock horrified us with his dogged determination to eat only McDonald’s food for each meal — every day for a month — to see how it affected his health in a fast food exposé called “Super Size Me.”

In Spurlock’s new film, “Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden?” he reasons that if we want to know where bin Laden is, then maybe we should simply ask around. After all, somebody’s bound to know where he is, right?

Actually, that kind of makes sense; on the other hand, it’s a good way to get killed. And I guess that’s a big part of Spurlock’s charm. He does indeed go around to strangers across the Middle East — many of them unfriendly — but still, he blatantly inquires.

And though Spurlock seems just as persistent and as determined as he was in “Super Size Me,” we get the feeling he knows he’s cheating by just going through the motions (probably because he too is aware this is all just a farce).

I suspect that’s why this new film aims to be more comical than its somewhat scientific predecessor. “Super Size Me” showed us Spurlock’s preparation with several doctors’ appointments to establish that he had a clean bill of health at the outset, prior to his McDonald’s binge.

And though “Where in the World…” also has a training portion, we quickly see that it’s done in a mocking spirit. In fact, the silly, cartoonish, introductory moments of the film give us various antics, like puppets, animated graphics, etc., which pass from over the top to annoying. I couldn’t help think of the little brother who got a laugh once, so he persists in additional attempts to get more laughs, painfully overdoing it.

Also, there’s a concurrent subplot about Spurlock’s wife expecting their baby. And really, I think he should have just made a film about that experience and scrapped all this bin Laden madness. Indeed, the later portions containing Spurlock’s feelings about his family are the jewel of the film.

Anyway, I won’t reveal whether Spurlock successfully locates Osama bin Laden, but I think you already know the answer. But just think how hilarious it would be if some zany, smart aleck filmmaker did what no one else in the world has been able to do.

Note: “Where in the World…” is rated only PG-13 for “some strong language,” but I think the profanity crosses over into R-rated territory.

Directed by Morgan Spurlock
Morgan Spurlock
Documentary / Comedy 90 min.
MPAA: PG-13 (for some strong language)

U.S. Release Date: April 18, 2008
Copyright 2008: 323

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